Fashion is one of the world’s most polluting industries, responsible for 10% of global CO2 emissions and 20% of global water pollution. To reduce our environmental and social impact, we must change our consumption habits and adopt the 4Rs of Sustainable Fashion: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Re-think.
The RfG project – Refashion for Good – Empowering School Communities towards a 4R Way of Living through Fashion, aims to empower adolescents with the 4R philosophy, addressing not only overconsumption in the fashion industry but also the stereotypes created by the fashion industry, to improve their well-being. The project involves partners from six European countries (Italy, Greece, Spain, Cyprus, Germany and the United Kingdom). It involves the development of a database of training plans, a training toolbox for teachers, a multimedia hub with resources and exhibition space for students, and the training of RfG ambassadors to trigger a change in the community.
The goals are:
- Provide teachers with methods and tools to activate themselves and students toward 4R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Recover) practices in Fashion;
- Empower students with skills to incorporate a lifestyle that follows the 4R rule;
- Train RfG ambassadors to trigger a change in the community.
The consortium is developing a database of RfGs to create a training plan on environmentally and socially sustainable Fashion and the Teacher Training Toolbox, including manual, offline and online training courses and practical manuals. Students and teachers will be offered numerous activities, including cutting-edge Digital Educational Materials on the 4R rule, Teaching Resources, tutorials, videos, podcasts, infographics, ready-to-use resources, and space to showcase student projects. Everything will eventually be collected within a platform accessible by anyone willing to become an ambassador of the 4Rs in Sustainable Fashion.
If you want to find out how to live by the 4Rs of Sustainable Fashion and become an agent of change for tomorrow, visit and follow us on our social channels. Together we can create a “new normality” that is healthier, greener and fairer!